Registration not required
Official Info
Families: M/W/F 9 AM – 12 noon; T/Th 1 PM – 2:30 PM
Caregivers: Tu/Th 9 AM – 12 noon; T/Th 1 PM – 2:30 PM
Often dubbed a “home away from home” by parents, Eastside Family Place (ESFP) offers a safe, secure and inclusive drop-in centre for families with young children, from ages newborn to early six years.
Children love the Drop-In Centre
Your child will enjoy the Drop-In which features play-based learning and preschool activities:
- age-appropriate toys and play stations
- structured activities and free-play time
- costumes, props and toys for dramatic play
- arts & crafts activities
- books, puzzles and early learning supports
- healthy snack time
- circle time, with songs & rhymes
Please come join us! You will enjoy the opportunity to connect with other parents and caregivers, to make new friends, to build community connections and to access valuable resources. The Drop-In program is open to all families and caregivers with young children, from newborn to early age six. You are welcome to visit and learn more.
- ESFP requires that everyone becomes a member in order to access all its programs including the Drop In program.
- ESFP Annual Family Membership $30.00
- If ESFP’s membership or Drop-In fee is a financial barrier, assistance is available. Please contact us.
Location: 1655 William Street, Vancouver, BC, V5L 2R3